2 crabs in the picture. Can you find them?

I had my eyes checked and bought sunglasses and regular glasses. It will take 1,5 to get them. The sunglasses were found fast, the regular ones not. They did not have that big selection and all seemed to be the same glasses. They had the cat eye-type and Harry Potter. Cat eye does not suit my face and Harry Potter I used in the 80's and I just can't go back to that. So I ended up taking something that will take some getting used to. We'll see...

I bough new sunglasses last year's spring. Those are now rusting. It's the salt in the air that affects the life of everything. So my old sunglasses will be the swimming glasses and the new ones I'll try to keep dry. My regular glasses  are about 5-6 years old, so I really needed to update those too.

I really hate shopping for glasses. Some people have the face that goes with anything. My face with almost nothing. And the types that would suit apparently does not exist in this time of trend. Why would everyone have to look the same? Stupid.

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