"The best laid plans...

... of Mice & Marties  gang aft a-gley".
At this juncture I ought to explain:-
With the surname Kane, I hadn't been on Penrith Fire Station above 5 nanoseconds when I became "Marty"; to such an extent that the Div. O. thought my name actually was "Martin".
If you don't know why; you're either not a Brit or too young.
The plan was to start on the weeds on the "far" side of the pond, prior to attempting to make it good again.
I rolled a large, 1/2 full, unoccupied, Earthenware pot to ons side and spotted a froglet. While pursuing it, I saw there were actually 2. I put the 1st back whence it leapt and they cooperated long enough for a couple of shot before returning the pot to a position guaranteed NOT to squish them.
* ~ * ~ *
For my record later:-
I'm a bit chuffed the way I removed one TOTALLY black nail.

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