The art of relaxation

There isn't much about my regular Saturday morning that is relaxing. I like to engage in 1.5 - 2 hours of exercise and some of it is intense

For all if that and my exercise during the week, I'm getting better at taking time to relax and rest. Cats have it sorted. Jasper can race around the house (or up the curtains - grrrr!) and the next minute he's lying in the sun.

By late morning I need to take things quietly - sip on water, eat a snack, make a cup of coffee, and read my book.

Somehow the house work still gets done, or enough of it for me to feel that home is my sanctuary.

Today has been unusual with the temperature topping out at 19/20 degrees. hpx was in shorts and a t-shirt, even when I did some pruning of the carpet roses.

Today's gratitude: For waking up and finding myself thinking if the times when I'd taken Mum and Dad out for breakfast. I thought if the pleasure and delight it gave them and felt glad for those memories.

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