Hot, Hot, Hot!

blue skies overhead
just a gentle breeze blowing
little white cloud puffs!

Hot, hot, hot - 30 degrees here....

I am suffering with the asthma today, so keeping cool indoors with all the windows open - only had about 3 hours sleep last night and with a busy week ahead I need a good nights sleep tonight!  Very annoying as I have not suffered with this in heat before....and the course of medication is reducing down from today....

In other news, last week I received my Certificate for the Developing Preaching Skills and Leading Worship options on the Footsteps course I have been doing this last year or so (two years in one!) :)  Today I took it to show our Minister, and he asked if he could announce it in church.  I agreed and was surprised to receive a round of applause... 

 However the biggest round of applause should go to the couple who have just celebrated 60 years of marriage, fantastic :)

And WOW!  these were my blip just a year ago!  I didn't feel like going to the canal after church today, not enough energy sadly...

Back to doing very little apart from routine stuff and reading my kindle!

Happy Sunday folks :)

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