
By bearoselove

Window shopping

Went to an au pair/erasmus type meet up at a cafe near hotel de ville today. It was really nice meeting other people around my age and good to speak english for a change (it does get tiring speaking french all the time but I am definitely getting used to it). Afterwards a few of us tried to join the walking tour around le marais but we were a bit late so just walked about by ourselves for a bit. Le marais is so lovely! We walked through some really beautiful gardens and then once we parted ways I wandered around and found myself in a jewish area with lots of synagogues and yiddish food shops. Bought a nice little bag from a vintage shop and had the BEST falafel i have ever had although had a little incident with the guy selling it - i accidentally said si TU plait instead of si VOUS plait and he got a bit arsey with me. I wanted to be like IM ENGLISH I DONT UNDERSTAND I JUST WANT FALAFEL.

When I picked up A after creche she was very very tired and not even oui oui (french noddy) could cheer her up when we got back. S was being really nice though, she uploaded loads of 90210 onto my laptop and got really excited showing me various french desserts on google images.

Went out in the evening with 3 of the girls and we went to a bar in la bastille- didnt stay out too late because I got the last metro home. It was nice though - my first night out in france!

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