Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

The date place

We had an unplanned trip to Bateel Dates this morning. Our friends needed help with one last thing, and we were able to run this little errand on their behalf.

It was a fantastic experience. For one thing, we had two very good sales assistants who let us sample a few of these luxury dates. If you don't know about them, they really are on a different level. If you ever get a gift of Bateel Dates, you can be assured that the person giving them to you thinks highly of you! We discovered today that they sell in the UK via Harrod's and Selfridges.

I have to record the fact that one of the shop assistants is from Guinea Bissau. I have never met anyone from Guinea Bissau, until this morning. There you go.

Dates delivered and our last goodbyes said, we came home and I got on with the job of installing programs on G's laptop which has had a major overhaul courtesy of Patrick.

And I guess the last thing to record about today is the semi-final match in St. Petersburg. We might just get an England/France final! :)

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