Queen Anne's Lace...

...just beginning to open. The petals are frequently a pale pink at this stage, and I liked how the outer spiky leaves were surrounded by the web. 
I've already done a lot this morning--had my hair cut, went to city hall to pay the sewer bill, went for groceries, and stopped in an open field to take some pictures. I had taken lots of them--yellow vetch, clover, black eyed Susans, daisies and hedge bindweed in addition to the Queen Anne's Lace--once I looked at them on the computer I had narrowed it down to three that I really liked. I called for Jennie to come look and tell me which one she liked, but she was just going into the shower. I hear running in the hallway, and Mae comes rushing in and says "I help you grandma"!  And I thought: Why not? So I picked her up, sat her on my lap & asked which one she liked best. Without hesitation she pointed to the QA'sL and said "This one! It's very pretty, Grandma!" She has good taste, as I was leaning toward this one too, so Queen Anne's Lace it is!  :))
Thanks to Miranda108 for her weekly wildflower challenge! 

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