Crossing by Waima Street

On the ride to work this morning I had to stop for a red light at the pedestrian crossing near Waima Street. This is the crossing used by the children who go to the school where Mr H was and Young L is in his last year there. There were no children that early, but I stopped anyway. And got this photo.

An odd day, made odder by the nurses' strike. I had to remain in the Administration area in case some matter needed to be dealt with for our Directorate (Mental Health), as all the others were filling in on the wards, covering the absent nurses. I replied to emails, dealt with the few queries that came in, read some notes I need to as part of an inquiry, and then went home.

Fortunately, I didn't need to leave really early to go and rescue mother-in-law. She gave in and let the ambulance be called. They reassured her and S and the GP that a trip to hospital wasn't essential. We will see her tomorrow.

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