You got...

...a photo of Popeye today. No painting. This is Popeye sitting on my front looking at me.

No sleep last night. Either I ate something, or it was an insect bite on my arm. Something gave me hallucinations in the night until 4 am. A bit scary. It was like everything had a matrix grid around it. Even the night time clouds outside had this. Then around 4 a.m. it began to fade.

This has happened before, and I have no idea what triggers it off. There were some other effects too, and I found myself wondering how on earth could I paint them. I’ve made some notes in a sketch book in case I figure it out.

But I was tired with no sleep, and I had to be out all day today. So, no way can I paint today. Too tired tonight.

Maybe normal service regards my daily painting will start tomorrow...

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