Choose Joy

By Energia

New Moment App

I needed to attend a fancy work event tonight so I left my camera at home and went with my cell phone so I could use a small, sleek bag. It provided an opportunity to work with the new Moment app. It is free for a brief period so if you want it, because you use their lenses on your cell phone, you should download it quickly. 

There is a touch of noise reduction in the sky in this picture. 

The event was good, very informative, and a sterling opportunity to present my company as an actor in the energy space. 

I had a lot of disequilibrium today. Maybe I didn't sleep well. 

I've started taking more sad pictures. I don't want to do that. Photography is my happy place. 

This picture is of the southern Dupont Metro entrance in Washington DC. Some years ago the metro system realized that if they installed overhangs like this it might reduce the necessary maintenance on the escalators by providing protection from direct rain and snow. 

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