Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

In my mind's eye

The Donald is coming to Scotland tomorrow, probably to his golf resort at Turnberry. It had been hoped that the Trump baby might be flown at the course during his visit but this has been vetoed by those who must be obeyed.
So, in my imagination the baby will be flown at his other Scottish golf course at Menie, a couple of miles down the coast from Newburgh on Ythan. This is the view from our own village golf course.
Coincidently, we have just learned from the government watchdog Scottish Natural Heritage that the Donald's north east golf course has partially destroyed the SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) that it was built on. The findings have been released to the BBC under freedom of information, as the President prepares to visit the UK.
The development required the stabilisation of the dunes with the planting of marram grass. In 2012, SNH advised the Trump Organisation that de-notification of the SSSI was likely. They have been monitoring the impact of the course on the dunes and the habitat they created, with site visits in 2012, 2013 and 2016. Two years ago they concluded that the site's special features had been "partially destroyed" with no prospect of recovery. The monitoring report states that "part of the site has been destroyed or damaged by the construction of the golf course on Menie. Most of its internationally important geomorphological features have been lost or reduced to fragments," it adds.
I don't suppose that the Donald gives a fig.

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