Flower Friday : : Aubergine Blossoms

This morning began with thunder and lightning. Actually the morning began at about 1:30 with the sound of something trying to break into (or out of) the corner of the house which happens to be directly underneath our bed. We both went out in our nightclothes and bare feet, stood and stared rather vacantly at the corner and, seeing nothing, went back to bed.

Morning began for real at about 6am with the thunder and even a few drops of rain. Much more Midwestern than Californian.

Having gotten up so early, it seemed as if the day stretched endlessly ahead of us, but one thing and another have taken up most of it* and we are due at one of the 500 artisan breweries that have sprung up here in the last few years to meet some friends. I wish I liked beer better.

* One of them being that I raced home from post class coffee with Tobi because OilMan had said he planned to hose off the porch roof. Although I had asked him please not to get on the roof with the hose, I was pretty sure that is where I would find him when I got home, and I was not mistaken. He insisted that there was nothing dangerous about it, even as he was saying this from the edge of a wet roof about 10 feet above a set of cement steps. This is a man who feels faint and sees his life passing before his eyes when he feels the blood pressure cuff tightening around his arm

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