Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Bush tuckered....

Went for a walk today in the bush behind Engardine. The trail goes down to the river bed and along the valley. Where to? Well no-one seems to know where it ends up because no-one has ever tried to walk right throughout it - it goes on for a few hundred miles before it turns to desert.

The dog loved it. The kids were running around like loons, leaping over chasms and waterfalls scaring the life out of the adults. I was taking photos, keeping occupied was a sure way to avoid being handed a child to look after.

This was our journeys end, a scour pot riddled pool about 1.5 miles from the start. No-one went in swimming after we scared a few Water Dragons - 2ft long brown lizards into the water. We saw rare Black cockatoo's and maybe a brown wallaby.

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