I didn’t feel...

...like painting today.

I had to go out this morning. Then called in at The Range because they have some reduced paints there. But what they haven’t done is say what the reduced acrylics paints price was. They just have £7:99 on the price tag. It is actually Buy one and Get one free.

I know that from the other Range store near me.This is the fourth lot of these paints I have bought at this shop. Each time I have told them that they don’t have Buy one Get one free notice up with them.

Anyway I went to the till and told the lad they were Buy one Get one free. He confirmed that. Rang them all through. Then said a price, it was wrong, so I told him to recheck it. I was only buying these paints, nothing else.

Each time he tried he came up with something different.

20 items at £7:99, with Buy one Get one free is quite easy to do in one’s head, but it proved impossible for the till (or till operator).

The final figure he cane up with was £126 something.

I told him that it had to be under £80 to be anywhere near correct.

He tried again with the till.

I got out my phone, put up the calculator and showed him it worked out on the calculator.

Finally he called for the manager.

In the meantime he said we have had these on this offer awhile but no one is buying them. For the fourth time I have now told a till operator that it would help to have a notice above them...Buy one Get one free, and not just the full price underneath them.

The manager came over, cleared his till receipt and told him to try again, and left.

This time it did work the right price.

I was exhausted, this had taken nearly half an hour.

So then I went to B&M. A couple of things I wanted. Last time I went last week they had some industrial strength blowers which was like walking through a tornado blowing all kinds of bits from the floor in order to get to the till.

Today however it was different. There were small units all round B&M. Blowing out air, but each of these had a water unit under it, and the managers of B&M where holding tiddly watering cans and filling these water reservoirs. It looked so funny.

But when I got to the till area, there were industrial sized and strength blowers again blowing me back into the shop. But they had massive 20 gallon water reservoirs underneath them. I needed my cardigan and thermals on to pass through them. It was freezing. It was right by the till operators. They must have come down with pneumonia, and in need of hearing tests by the end of the day.

As the Pound Shop was next door (the one that has gone bankrupt and closing down), I went in for a quick look. It said 20 to 70 % off everything. So I got a £1 bag of bin bags and £1 thing of gardening gloves.

The guy at the till said £1:98????

How is that 20% off £2?

I began to point out this was virtually nothing off etc. And he just said the 20% off doesn’t include multiple offer because they haven’t got them any more.

But they weren’t under any offer. I gave up. I didn’t bother arguing for coppers. But I won’t be going back again.

By the time I got home I was exhausted.

Went to bed.

Went to sleep.

Woke up at 6 pm.

Still didn’t feel like painting...

Thought I would have to take a photo instead...

Then suddenly at 7:30 pm I felt like painting!!!

It’s too late I thought, but I set everything up, including improvising making a small easel where the base of the easel where the piece of painting paper was, was resting on the table. This way my elbow could rest on the table and I could hold the brush to paint. Not painted like this before.

It is strange when the painting is slanting uprights to paint on. The strokes of painting work out different too.

I was a bit frustrated to start with. I gave myself barely an hour because the light was fading.

The You Tube painting guy said to pick out a small square brush, but I didn’t see that I had picked up a cat’s paw brush..

I didn’t like his composition so changed it. It was Ryan O’Rourke You Tube painting ‘How to paint large moving clouds over an Ocean Seascape’.

I thought it was one of his ten minute paintings, so I had made a mistake there. It was a speed paining 12:09 minutes.

Anyway, doesn’t matter. Changed quite a bit in the painting.

I enjoyed playing doing it. I took less than an hour to finish it,

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