What's this??

This shot doesn't quite capture the scene but is representative of Bailey's bemusement at rain falling this evening. Not much of it but enough to get him wet when he ventured out in it and to drop the temperature by a few degrees. Hopefully it will make for a more bearable Sports Day tomorrow. 

It has been a warm and sticky day not helped by me spending the morning doing interviews in an air-conditioned room and then having to venture out on duty in the middle of the day. Far too hot to think straight really but my Y10s did pretty well at the quiz based on their poetry anthology in our last lesson of this year. 

Prizes purchased on the way home and then a bit of work done once Bailey was walked. The final task was not so much work but something with a deadline: the creation of an album of pictures with appropriate captions for a friend and colleague of long-standing who retires on Wednesday. The jobs are being ticked off and 3:15 on Wednesday is coming ever closer. 

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