
I had to go out for my morning walk today at 7am because Ann was working at 9am. I didn't want to go out for my walk that early. When Ann came downstairs I was in a really deep sleep on the sofa. I haven't even attempted to jump up onto the sofa for weeks so Ann was amazed to see me there. She dragged me off the sofa and said, 'OK Molly, we'll just go into the field if you're still sleepy.' So that is what we did.

Ann was mega busy at work today. Just where have all the people come from??? When she got home she said, 'Molly, I'm really tired, I could do with having a little lie down.' …......But she couldn't have a little lie down because I needed to go out again for toileting purposes she needed to go to the vets to pick up more osteoarthritis pills for me.

So we went over to the vets at Hayle and picked up my pills. And I had a little trek around which I have to say wasn't very exciting and then we came home.

…...................And then Ann sat out the front of our house on her wine drinking chair drinking wine obviously and I just had another snooze on the sun terrace in the shade.

…………………...And the heatwave continues...………………..


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