Reikes small life...

By Reike

I had a nice set of photos from today: Dogs, the river, bathing dogs, mountains, sunset plus mountains plus the river, flowers and bees, but thought you have seen all those plenty lately, so here, have these colorful leaves. (Plus a mountain reflecting in the water.)

Great moments of my day on my morning walk: 
I walked in that hilly area with the big oak trees, so peaceful, beautiful weather, birds singing. A girl was sitting on the ground, overlooking the area with a slight smile on her face, and I could see she feels the same peacefulness as me just being there. Nature is awesome! 
Then I walked into the woods, and an old couple walked towards me. They didn't notice me. He was singing. Then she grabbed his hand and started singing together with him. They walked past me, singing, just giving me a nod of the head.  

Worst moment today: I cycled along the street and found this beautiful little marten by the side of the road, it apparently had been hit by a car. I picked it up and brought it to the vet to put it out of it's misery :(

Rest of the day mainly spent entertaining my mum, her BF, and their dog, involving playtime for the dogs and a good evening meal. 

#lensbaby #burnside35 #travelingburnsideproject #seeinanewway

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