Work and Relaxation

Cawson ni bore hyfryd ac ymlacied.  Aethon ni i'r pentref i gael brecinio ac yn wneud tipyn bach o siopa.  Roedd e'n ddymunol eistedd yn y siop goffi am awr ac nid yn teimlo o dan bwysau i fod unrhywle arall.  Adre, rydyn ni'n symud ein swyddfa i fyny'r grisiau, felly mae llawer o waith i wneud. Mae'n gyfle gwych i daflu llawer o bethau i ffwrdd - bethau sy wedi bod yn eistedd ar silffoedd ers blynyddoedd.  Treulion ni ein hamser dringo'r grisiau gyda bocsys.  Nawr, mae'r hen swyddfa bron yn wag, felly rydyn ni'n mynd i ofyn adeiladwyr am gost i dorri'r wal i lawr i wneud lolfa fawr.

We had a beautiful and relaxed morning. We went to the village to get brunch and do a bit of shopping. It was pleasant to sit in the coffee shop for an hour and do not feel under pressure to be anywhere else. At home, we are moving our office upstairs, so there is a lot of work to do. It's a great opportunity to throw a lot of things away - things that have been sitting on shelves for years. We spent our time climbing the stairs with boxes. Now, the old office is almost empty, so we're going to ask builders at a cost to break the wall down to make a big lounge.

(In English, brunch = breakfast+lunch,
in Welsh, brecinio = brecwast+cinio)

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