Arcades, Architecture, Autonomy

Pan rydw i'n mynd i'r dre, rydw i'n ceisio osgoi'r siopau mawr yn y ganolfan siopai.  Mae'n well i fi fynd i'r siopau bach annibynnol ac mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw yn yr arcedau.  Cafodd yr arcedau eu hadeiladu yn y 19eg ganrif.  Roedden nhw'r ganolfan siopau o'u hamser. Fel y ganolfan siopau maen nhw wedi'i ddiogelu rhag y tywydd ond, yn wahanol i'r ganolfan siopa, mae llawer o amrywiaeth yna - llawer of siopau gwahanol a does dim llawer o 'gadwyni'. Wrth gwrs, hefyd, rydw i'n gwerthfawrogi'r bensaernïaeth. Yn gyfan gwbl mae'r profiad siopa yn fwy 'dynol' a llai 'diwydiannol' na'r ganolfan siopa. Rydw i'n hapus crwydro trwy'r arcedau ac yn gweld beth rydw i'n gallu darganfod. Dych chi byth yn gwybod beth ddych chi'n mynd i ffeindio.

When I go to town, I try to avoid the big shops at the shopping center. II prefer to go to the small independent sshops and most of them are in the arcades. The arcades were built in the 19th century. They were the shopping center of their time. Like a shop center they are protected from the weather but, unlike the shopping center, there is a lot of variety - many different shops and not many 'chains'. Of course, too, I appreciate the architecture. Altogether, the shopping experience is more 'human' and less 'industrial' than the shopping center. I'm happy to wander through the arcades and see what I can discover. You never know what you're going to find.

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