
I love the way the sunlight pours through the trees at the top of the hill as I drive down towards the hens in the morning. There is a settled feel to the allotment in the eve, but in the morning it feels like everything is waking up, as of course it is! The swifts fly low over the plots and the bumble bees are starting their busy buzzy work for the day - although some are still rising on flower heads, not fully warmed up from the sun. Interestingly bees go for the flowers which have a warmer temperature due to their flower construction, scientists believe this aids pollination and the continuation of the species! For bees it saves some of their energy for the busy day ahead! It's not all about which flower has the most nectar!
Another huge bed dug over today - this is it's second year of lying fallow and to enrich the soil I've decided to grow lupins as a green manure. I may have left it a bit late, and I hardly need another bed to water - but what the hell - nothing ventured nothing gained!  It was an easy dig and the usual collection of stones and digging out of dandelions - but no couch grass or monster docks! 
I was happily picking some veg for lunch when Colourful Mai turned up, as we were chatting I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the side of my hip - suspecting a tic I looked down and discovered a bee! Poor thing will die now. I can't believe that this is how I got stung, picking broad beans with no flowers to attract bees! I carefully pick my way past and over the marjoram as I water as often worry about the bees flying up my skirt, but to be stung like this! I've been hit many times by the wasps in my back garden as I get in their flight path too, but not once have I been stung so far! Luckily I carry Anthisan cream with me incase I get stung by nettles or insects on the plot. 
After a lunch of 4 types of steamed beans  and broad beans, a potato salad, boiled egg with the old still runny and 4 types of salad leaves - all from my allotment, I spent the afternoon in the back garden under the shade of my parasol listening to radio 4 as I knitted. The previous evening I discovered I'd got the wool on the wrong side of my knitting - I'm doing a colour fade on my shawl and doing 2 rows of alternate colours. Somehow I managed to knit one row with the right colour, and instead of going back with the same colour, picked up the other colour and knitted across again! It means I now have a row of purl, well two actually as created another knitting both yarns to the right position! 
Back to the plot for the hen bedtime and more watering in the settled calm of the evening. On arriving home I felt itchy and discovered a fiery red patch the size of my hand where the bee had stung me, and four mozzie bites! Instead of wearing trousers as I usually do in the evenings I had put on thigh length socks, and the little critters had obviously flown up my skirt! First mozzie bites this summer! So more fiery red patches that itch like hell and required more Anthisan! I react really intensely to such bites hence the wearing of trousers, full length sleeves and a headscarf in the eves on the plot! I had also taken off my cardigan as I had got hot so  bites on both legs and arms! How can one tiny insect cause such irritation?! So much for the calm of the evening! That allotment is fraught with dangers! 

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