Rainy Day Rose

This Iceberg Rose blooms constantly from around the end of October until May or so. It is a simple, no messing, rose which waves jauntily at passers by over the garden fence.

Due to the inclement weather today, I have done very little. I have been catching up on some correspondence and trying to tidy my room. What my room really needs is for everything to be taken out and then put back in again. It's a bit of a train wreck really. I keep doing a little here and there, but not enough to make it as clean and tidy as I'd like. In all honesty, most people who poke their heads around the door don't think it's too bad. It's just my OCD nature!

Rae has been ringing around to get quotes for her car (for parts or scrap); so far we think they can do better!

I'm going to walk the pooch now. He's getting cabin fever. So am I.


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