Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


This is one of those days I'm really undecided about what to blip. It was a pretty good day, in spite of the fact that we hustled to go to grandson Niklas' last soccer game at 9 am only to find it was cancelled as the other team didn't show up! But we were there for the (silly) team picture!
So we took a walk around Green Lake, a very popular spot we haven't been to for ages. It was beautiful even tho threatening to rain, and there were lots of ducks. (all 3 kinds of mergansers I think, heron, mallards, buffleheads, coots and more I wasn't sure of) I think the hooded mergansers are so pretty I decided to go with them. Unfortunately we learned from someone walking that we just missed seeing 2 eagles attack a duck, which could have made for a more dramatic photo! Oh well....
I also spent some time before the rain settled in, planting lots of my favorite tulip bulbs. I don't have a green thumb and think it's a lot of hard on n\the back work for my tiny space, but in April it will be worth it. :-)

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