Summer Days in the Fens - Day 5!

Forties Lynn - Life On The Home Front, Kings Lynn

North into Norfolk and Kings Lynn this morning in search of beach towels. Totally by chance we found that the town was having a 1940s day: displays of period vehicles, including this amazing Spitfire, costumed characters galore, a 40s big band, tours of the town’s air raid shelters (which I did!), and much much more, a wonderful surprise! After a quick walk along the river and through the medieval quarter, it was back home to turn those beach towels into seat covers for the van, ready for France. Another warm day, 26°C like yesterday, but didn’t feel quite so hot as more cloud about.

In extras today, some of the colourful sights from Forties Lynn, along with a classic Kings Lynn photo of the Custom House.

(Thank you for your kind comments and stars for my recent blips, sorry for my lack of comments, still no WiFi apart from the odd hot spot that I manage to track down to quickly post a blip.)

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