Three goats

Some years ago S fell in love with these three ceramic goats and liberated them from the terrible conditions they were being held in while ransom was demanded for their release. She then provided them with a safe place until we had the renovations done at the beach house.

Only one problem. When the renovations were complete and the final stage of liberation was possible, where was the safe place? They are much too big to have been put in the hang file in the filing cabinet which was labelled "A Safe Place". Little used nowadays as we have other storage methods. Electronic, and therefore anxiety inducing, but there you go.

Searched everywhere that seemed likely, and not a one to be found. At the beach house there were many boxes to go through. All turned out not to have been a safe place for goats; safe enough for what was in them. The apartment is relatively small, with few logical, or illogical, places for goats to be kept safe. Increasing despair in the ransomer.

Then a few weeks ago, S looked in the last unlikely place unscanned to that time, and there were three very calm and unbothered goats, patiently waiting to be taken from the apartment to the beach house where they now sit in the centre of the table on a piece of Tapa cloth. They are clearly happy in their new place as they have shown no inclination to wander.

Thank you to everyone who looked and those who gave me stars for yesterday's tui. Now that i am back in the apartment with the big screen iMac rather than my laptop, the large version is all I could have wished to capture.

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