Opening the Jar

Yesterday's New Quintet - Rocket Love Pt. 1

A great day vibing with real people. REAL people. Perhaps I can't stress it enough, but it's connections like this which really help alleviate certain "burdens". I truly have no burdens to speak of, compared to my closest loved ones, nonetheless I feel rather heavy. It's probably the lack of sleep or the whisky (which tasted fantastic) but it's a feeling. There are so many great things happening around the place and although great to acknowledge, what can you do to make it better? My friends are the most beautiful people in existence (obviously within my own parameters) yet, I want to do more. How do you show them? How do you let them know? Tell them obviously, but it's not enough. I want to examine the reason and the why.

I'm not good at taking photos of people but it's great to see how a person takes others. My friend took this photo of me during a whisky session in a lovely part of Aichi and it's interesting to examine. Yes, I love myself a little too much, however, when someone else takes the camera and makes the photo their own, I really believe a little bit of (or a lot) of them begins to "frame" some kind of insight. Friends provide that so much and hopefully, I can to them. No gift is greater than affirmation and sacrifice. I just wish there was more, my greediness and selfishness again speaking out loud.

My friend's mother's artwork sits above me in the background. She's a wonderful artist with a wonderful son. I'm so glad he introduced this bar to me and so privileged to be in such kind company. Everyone I was with today was a blessing.

PS: Cranium is great with great friends.

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