
3years 21days

Katie loved today!! We went into the city and did a couple of jobs, including picking up a bargain in the ELC that's been put away for Christmas (she was wide awake and still I got away with it!) before we went to meet her friend Isla from ballet with her mum. We took the girls to Nando's for some lunch. They sat and coloured together all excited about the afternoon ahead before their lunch arrived.

We then all walked round to the theatre for the matinee performance of Angelina Ballerina: The Mousical. We had got tickets just across from Isla, but because both girls wanted to sit on mummies' knees, we ended up sat next to them. They were very cute as they kept grinning so excitedly at each other as we waited. It was a little extra special because the young ballerinas in the show were from our ballet school. Sat just near us was her teachers and one of their little girls, who Katie is very fond of so she kept peeping cheeky looks to Edana and went and played with her in the interval. She really loved the show and danced the whole way through - apart from when she decided to put the booster seat on the floor in the aisle and sit there to watch a while. Her only issue with it was that it wasnt people in full mouse costumes, like when she saw Angelina as part of the Little Big Show, so she asked me a few times "But where is angelina?" until she got the hang of it. At the end, all the children went and danced at the front and Katie & Edana went together.

After the show, we got a bus home. I put her in the meitai when we got off and she fell fast asleep by 5pm. She stayed asleep til 630, apart from wandering into my room at 2.

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