What a Fancy Bug: Hummingbird Clearwing

A friend invited me to come along with her when she went home to let her dog out for a walk. So we romped for a while on the sunny hills and walked around, enjoying the flowers and the trees and the views and the lovely day.

Just as we were about to get back in her car to head back to work, I pulled out my camera to get a few more shots of the beautiful lilies, when what did I spy but a couple of fancy bugs! That is what I have always called them, but in actuality they are hummingbird moths.

This particular variety is called the hummingbird clearwing, Hemaris thysbe. It has a thick body that is rather shrimp-like, decorated in shades of pale green and maroon. The body is actually somewhat fuzzy in spots; they're like flying teddy bears, only much fancier!

We saw as many as three to six of the winged critters. They were enjoying the pink flowers and flitting all around, as hummingbird moths are wont to do. I remember the first time I ever saw one. I couldn't make up my mind whether it was a bug or a bird. Somewhere in between the two?

I told my friend how lucky she was to have these special visitors, and that entire summers go by that I don't see a single one. Around here, they tend to show up in the hottest parts of summer, usually July. She told me she thought that I was the reason they showed up. Yep, me and my fancy bugs! :-)

Here's how I feel about these precious, marvelous bugs: Belinda Carlisle, with Mad About You.

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