Petals (Day 1178)

I woke this morning to the sound of heavy rain. It seems a long time since I have heard rain of any significance so it was a bit of a change. We managed to time our wander up the hill relatively well and the rain had eased off a bit. 
By the time I was trundling off to service a boiler in Stromness the rain had stopped, but Stromness was sheathed in low cloud. The boiler service turned out to be a lot more involved than I had anticipated, with a fault on the boiler suggesting that the flue was blocked. I spent far too long being a chimney sweep before zooming home to rescue  my beautiful wife whose car had a flat battery. 
After a very late lunch, and with HV off to work, I zoomed off to Costa to look at a job and give a bit of advice. On the way home I was diverted to another job which I will need to order up some parts for. 
I hadn't taken the camera out of the bag all day, so I played around with the macro lens again. I quite liked the way this one turned out. 

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