Hello.... meet Bee

Today has been a wonderful day.. both my girls home for the weekend (first time all at home since Christmas) and a barbecue with ping pong this evening.  We even had 60 drops of rain... l was getting all excited about twirling in the rain but to be honest it was a little disappointing!! The rain drops remained un joined up on the car and then evaporated... l so long for some good rain.  The air smell wonderful though, for a bit.
This poor bee was on the brink of passing away when we found him on the car bonnet.  We put him in the shade on a leaf with a teaspoon of sugar water next to him and half an hour later he was rushing about trying to fly away .. eventually managing it.  The other bee found earlier didnt make it sadly... they must be exhausted in this heat just like we are.
I can recommend the sugar water revival kit and perhaps just leaving a few trays of water out for wildlife around the garden ... poor things

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