Spring Onions

Had a lazy day today - woke up with a headache and it took its while to go.  Did one load of washing today and managed to get it dry.  We have had some rain on and off and it ad it has been very windy and it is a very peasant 23deg.  
It is silly Saturday today and thanks to Admirer for hosting.  I sillily asked KG to get some spring onions for me - he was gone quite a while and i wondered what he had been up to.  Well he walked in with onions on a spring tied up with a pink bow (because I like pink) . When I told him that was not what I meant he said sorry but thought I would have bought the spring onions with my shopping and perhaps I wanted him to make some.  Well what could I say!!
Have a good weekend blippers

If you have time check out yesterday's back blip 

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