Prudential 2018 Ride London ...

Brilliant day, following them, catching up with them, finding them....and then sneaking a visit to them at home. Well, SOMEONE is 8 years old today! They were joined by a neighbour and his son and had cycled to the station at home and taken their bikes on the train to Farringdon Street in the City where they started the day. 

It was such an amazing event by Prudential. We went onto Green Park, Guildhall, The Mall and everywhere was full of cyclists just enjoying a fantastic time. Babies in buggies, tiny tots cycling so proficiently, penny farthings, tandems, mobility bikes....all types of bikes you could think of and music all the way.

Next year we'll be in there with them...! As for now, I'm resting my feet and enjoying a wee tonic.

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