The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The challenge

I left my aromatherapy teaching role today after fourteen years in what was designed to be a ten-week contract! I managed not to cry, but I do feel emotional. I had to hold it together for the sake of my students, who had only been with me for.six weeks. I gave a neck and shoulder massage to everyone who wanted one, and left the premises, asking Steve just one last time if we could give a lift to someone who lives totally off our route!

The rehab staff gave me some sunflowers, a sketchbook and this beautiful card. The sunflowers are at home and I'm at the house sit, so no blip there. BUT the sketchbook intrigues me. The blank sheets.... I also teach card making now and again at the rehab, that's why they gave it to me, but it seems to me that it's a challenge: can I fill some time doing creative things, not rushing around like a headless chicken? I hope so. I have an urge to get some pastels (they're at home, and I am not) and play, as I did in my twenties. Maybe some words will come, too.

I must not fill up all my free time with dull, repetitive work. Filling up my time usefully has been an issue for me since I went to boarding school at the age of nine, where 'doing nothing' was not timetabled. I've been busy ever since. The things we do to our children, even with the best of intentions....

I have a new friend at the house sit. The ginger cat has suddenly decided that I am ok, after all. My lap, my bed and my chicken portions are no longer all my own. This, as you can imagine, is a mixed blessing. Bomble is still number one cat in my life, obviously.

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