A Much-Needed Break

No, not a shower, but a day of not doing much.  Except for the laundry -- three more loads today plus one of Nan's, and all dry and put away, and on the same day.  Doesn't happen often.  Aside from that, the last bit of post-processing and some gaming.  I also checked in Nan for her return trip tomorrow.  For her part, she spent most of the time in 'her' room, packing and unpacking and repacking and napping (I think).  Occasionally, she'd come down and go to the garden for a smoke and some face-time with people in Manila.  AW was busy in the garden.  The guy who helped us with the fence came in the afternoon for the final piece, which was the one closest to the canal.  I did some errands at the supermarket, but in the end we simply opted to go out to dinner.  A very quiet day altogether, both restful and stressful at the same time.

As you can see, our sunflowers have put on their best clothes and have reached the top of the fence and are peeping into the neighbour's backyard ... silly girls.

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