Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Life Goes On

I was on Princes Street at lunchtime, and passing by the gardens,  I decided to go and see the Floral Clock.  This year it commemorates the centenary of the end of the First World War, and the loss of life therein,  with a very vivid design of poppies . (The flowers are begonias, much longer-lasting than poppies.) 

People hang over the balustrade to admire it, and perhaps see the cuckoo pop out and sound the hour.  Mostly the city just roars by on the street above. 

I got chatting to a gentleman who was watching my contortions to try to get  the whole thing into the shot - even with the wide-angle lens I couldn't. I explained that it was for a challenge, and that led us on to Blipfoto.  He wrote down all the details - who knows, he may decided to join us.

Thanks to BobsBlips for the challenge, and this week's theme - life. Plenty to think about!

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