Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas


a blast from the past
canon in working order
a few trial shots

J.'s dad's partner had given me two cameras and a Speedlite flash a while ago. The Ricoh seems to have a major problem - try as I may, I can't see a thing through the viewfinder, I suspect the shutter is locked, unless it's the mirror...

Still, the AE-1 is in perfect working order and I took a few shots - there's a 36-exposure colour film in the magazine. We'll see how it works out. I'll have the film developed, then scan the negatives and look at the results. Hopefully there'll at least be one good one! ;-) Being in total manual mode is a bit of a change - I usually work in Aperture priority.

Lots of photo opps tomorrow (Saturday) as we're going to a family reunion... :-)

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