
I'm sure I've taken pictures of this unusual flower from every angle and in every light but this was taken from underneath with the light filtering through the arbor. The weird 'crown' doesn't show from this angle so I've put a picture taken from the top in the extras. 

We have somebody coming tomorrow to haul away all the accumulated building materials, deconstructed tee shirts, couch cushions, chicken wire, broken furniture and objects whose original purpose is no longer discernible. All this has accumulated since we moved here. It's a bit like an archaeological dig. We started strong, carrying stuff to the top of the driveway, but neither OilMan nor I slept well last night, the air is full of smoke and ash from the fires in the next county and Dana and I went to a Pilates class that finished me off. There is a 'red flag alert' until tomorrow night although the promised high winds have not yet materialized and it doesn't seem quite  as hot as it has been the past few days. Maybe that's because we haven't gone outside!

When you can't watch the news and you can't go outside, there's not much left to do except take a nap....

Thanks to Biker Bear once again for hosting Flower Friday. 

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