A MIMent In Time

By justmim

This counts as a balanced diet, right?

No, you're right, probably not.

But it tastes good!

Marshmallow brownies.
Chocolate birthday cake.
Chocolate fudge cake.

Between my baking ventures and Fee's birthday over the weekend we have accumulated a nice collection of baked chocolate-y goodness. And this is after some of it was shared with the boys' flat!

Anyway, Fee insisted that I should consider eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, after a small slice of my chocolate fudge cake (definitely one to attempt again, particularly tasty zapped in the microwave for 20 seconds) I felt it was perhaps worth balancing it out a little.

Cue kiwi followed up with apple & peanut butter. Study food at its finest :)

Though perhaps a wee brownie before bed wouldn't go amiss....

Anyway - today. Well, attempted some study in the morning, however this ended up being largely frustrating and going round in circles. Waiting for an e-mail from the relevant staff member so that I can get on with working on my topic and so getting a plan together.

Then prayer lunch, which turned out to be a little fourth year pow-wow :) Enjoyed this! Great to discuss some of the shared challenges but also to hear some encouragements :)

Then off to student-staff consultative committee. Phew! This is the first time that I have taken on the role of student rep and hadn't been sure what to expect. However, it was all fine and I had some positive feedback from the input I gave - so that's good!

Then a final attempt at some different study and back to the flat for food, cleaning and chocolate.

Happy, happy :)

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