A MIMent In Time

By justmim

These boots were made for...talking?

Student frugality going a step (hah!) too far. I think it may be time to find a replacement for these two old favourite pairs of boots! Having bought them in first year and well and truly worn them in I think I have perhaps become oddly attached to them. Although I am acutely aware that my boots now talk to the world as I walk by, so I think it's time to call it a day.

Anyway - a busy day, but not a bad day by any means :)

A morning of class which was genuinely helpful in better thinking about project and poster plans. Having a lecture from one of the recently retired but much loved staff members was great!

Then a brief supervision group meeting which, again, was helpful before a uni-soup lunch and an afternoon at the computers.

I am slowly coming to terms that I am not going to be able to focus my project topic the way I would like. So hopefully now I can get on with starting to really get a plan on paper!

Catch-up with Cam talking about life and everything in it over some of Costa's seasonal drinks. Not bad at all :) Then on to Laurie & co's flat for Fee's birthday celebration evening :) It is weird how such very bizarre conversation topics and funny YouTube videos can contribute to such an enjoyable evening. Although I think the company helped, too!

Now back in the flat pondering the fate of my boots and thinking perhaps bed is in order. For tomorrow is another day :)

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