Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cocktail time!

Gavin got home from NY early this morning and we went for a run together before the heat of the day intensified. We then pottered about the house, listening to Thomas' stories about his week away - he says it was one of the best week's of his life and he is still buzzing from it. The sky dive took place in a kind of vertical wind tunnel which he says was the most incredible experience, and as Cranfield University is next to an RAF airfield and has its own planes, the other highlight for him was flying for about an hour whereby the pilot did all sorts of 'adjustments' while the students in the back of the plane sitting at fitted computer screens collected data and got to witness the effects of these adjustments. The lectures from the RAF pilots and engineers from the world's top aerospace engineering companies were also so inspiring and he loved all of it - then if things could not get better he heard this afternoon that his team came second in the project competition and have won £1000 to be split amongst the 3 members of the team, so he is very pleased about that!

Adam and Jenni arrived home late this afternoon after completing their month's work as course leaders for a summer school course, and today entailed sitting at the airport for hours on end seeing all the students safely checked in to their flights for their back home again. Having worked 6 days weeks for the past month they are both very tired but they can sleep on the plane tomorrow, as they have a long flight to Japan for their holiday.

I am left marvelling at the opportunities my children have - I certainly never got to experience a week like Thomas has just had, and never went on holiday very much when I was their age, certainly not to somewhere as exciting as Japan! 

I also spent time taking more photos for my camera group homework - today I concentrated on drinks, and I had fun making the best pina colada ever (I am old fashioned in that it is still my favourite cocktail, a real 70's drink!) and then photographing it. Gavin then mixed a martini and I loved this bottle of gin so it had to be my blip rather than the pina colada (which I have added as an extra). Unfortunately the light was not good at the end of the day for the pina colada shot but at least it was a respectable time for me to drink it - it was delicious! (we don't usually drink cocktails at home, the homework was an excuse to do so!)

This morning we also bathed Murdoch as he was getting a bit whiffy - I have added an extra photo of him in his bath - isn't that an appealing face...get me out of here! 

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