
Spent the day cleaning.


Preparing for the second batch of company this week.  Tomorrow morning our son & daughter in law with 2 littles in tow will arrive to spend 1 night and 2 days.  They haven't been here since our move-in weekend and we're so looking forward to seeing them all. :)

Progress feels slow but I know it's moving at the pace it's meant to.  I am really really hoping for kitchen cabinets this week.  

Wandered around the property with my macro this afternoon and saw the sunlight bouncing off this drop of sap.  When looking through my macro I saw that there was a teeny tiny ant stuck in the middle of the drop not seen with my naked eye.  Poor thing...but made for a cool shot. 

I do continue to appreciate your comments, stars and hearts.  I had no idea this move would take so much out of me.  Trying to contract the renovation as well as remain one step ahead, order products as needed and clean and feed us as well our on-site guy, leaves me with very little at days end.  I tend to get very focused and so something has to give.  

One day, life will find it's rhythm again.

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