
I came home to find my new book from Robert Rankin, signed by the author. Limited print edition. Happy days. I rarely buy 'real' books anymore, but I confess that anything by Terry Pratchett or by Robert Rankin gets bought in hard copy. It doesn't seem right otherwise.

Have been at university all day. Was relieved to find that my course tutors are a lively pair and one in particular has been delightfully bonkers and brash all day. It was a little like being at work. It was massively productive in terms of new learning and once again, as always when I go out and 'network', an opportunity to be thankful for the opportunities that I have had over the years that seem to make me a step ahead of people in similar positions elsewhere. That is not to do with my ability, but to do with the fact that I work where I do and I tend to grab at opportunities when they arise. I have a developing role to play in doing that for others in the next few years i think.

After 2 x 3.5 hour lectures, I got home, marked a set of tests, prepped my lessons for the rest of the week, in readiness for skiving again on Thursday - hospital - and trying to leave tomorrow and thursday night clear for marking books and coursework. I want my weekend and do not intend to be working on Sunday ...I want to go to the Philharmonic nicely rested and ready to fully enjoy The Planets Suite with my aunty Val and Uncle Chris.

Now to bed. Despite trying to get plenty of sleep last night, I managed 5 hours. Today has been a bad pain day and I think my sleep disturbances were the start of a significant bout of acute pain. At least I will be in agony on Thursday when I see the consultant so it will not be difficult to be heartfelt in my conversations with him. Not that it would have been anyway. My strategy will be honesty, then if that doesn't work I am going to resort to begging and crying until they take me in!

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