The Heat Is (Has Been) On

AW doing what he enjoys most (besides other activities ... hahaha!).  Heat or not, he's in our garden rearranging, planting, watering, harvesting, and also meditating and having discussions and gossip sessions with me, drinking his coffee or tea, or dozing off.  It's in his genes.

Aside from the rucksacks, no other laundry today.  Ironed yesterday's load, finished organizing my Excel sheets (yup, finances needed looking into).  Ate a bit, drank a bit more, and slept -- two hours in the early afternoon, after which I had to do some supermarket errands, two hours after those errands, and felt sleepy the rest of the time.  Continued to rewind last month trying to look for the 'kink in the cable' and still came to the same conclusion, which y'all already know, but it's just like in a tour group of 30, where there'll always be someone who'll be negative and pouty, who'll be eventually ignored by the rest.  Enough of that and I haven't suffered a sleepless night about it.  July has ended.

Still 3 weeks to go before work, and I'm looking forward to making it interesting, educational, and fun for myself, and having a nice, cozy time with AW.  Heat or not.

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