
I won this on a Tombola at a Christmas craft fair quite a few years ago. It is meant to be a Christmas decoration, but I don't think it looks particularly festive, so it dangles from the cookery-book-shelf all the time! I Blipped it as I didn't fancy lugging the camera around all day! 

Over to the Folks, and I was collected at the station. First thing my Dad told me was that Bubbles passed away on Tuesday night. He misses her very much, but my Mum appears to have pretty much forgotten her now. She had a very good innings for a dog - she was 21! They had had her, and spoilt her rotten for the last ten years or so, so the latter part of her life was good. She had been a rescue dog when they got her, and we suspect, ill-treated. But she certainly made up for that since they had her nd was happy and, as I said, ruined!

The next job was sorting out his Blue badge re-issue. They sent a letter saying they didn't have all the necessary documentation, but it would seem they have cashed the chequeI I have to go to the relevant office tomorrow to try to sort it out!

We also had a shopping trip to Lidl. By the time I'd put the shopping away, washed up their lunch stuff and dealt with the bins and laundry it was time for me to come home! 

I'm having a rest now before work!

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