Blackford Hill - Again?!

We are in Edinburgh for a couple of weeks and my very lovely owner, Ann, is in 'culture vulture' mode. She has been out and about enjoying the 'Edinburgh Festival' and I have been having loads of 'home alone' snooze time.

To be honest, I like having 'home alone snooze time'. …..............Especially as before I have my 'home alone snooze time', Ann takes me somewhere to 'exhaust me'?! Today I went up Blackford Hill again......................... But do you know what?........................ There were NO bunnies to chase.

I didn't see one single bunnie today. Boooohoooo!  However we did meet a very lovely lady who was walking 8 very nice doggies. They weren't all hers. She was a 'dog walker'. So Ann had a long chat with her. Ann's still wondering if she should set up a dog walking business????

We're loving life in Edinburgh and this afternoon Ann went to see 'Paul Merton from Not the 9'0 clock news'

What a fabulous show. Would thoroughly recommend it.


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