Good Fences Make Good Neighbours

The promised cooler weather has finally arrived! What a difference! It feels great! My gardener was particularly happy because he was doing quite a big job for me today.

A few weeks ago I started thinking about getting some bamboo to plant up in pots - to provide a screen between me and a small block of flats next door. There are bigger trees that shield me from being overlooked in the back garden but I’ve never liked the feeling of being overlooked at my back door and side windows.

A few days after this, my neighbour on the other side told me that he was getting rid of his 6 bamboo trees because he was changing his landscaping and did I want them? What a coincidence! Yes please!

So I bought the giant pots and had them ready and my neighbour dug out the bamboo - no easy task! Today my gardener came and hauled them over one by one in a wheelbarrow and then planted them up in the pots. I have 4 by the back door area, and have put 2 in front of the gate, but they’re pretty much all 6 in a straight row. I’m very happy with them - they’re already very tall and I feel like I have a very attractive instant fence, and a little more privacy.

Good fences make good neighbours!

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