Pictorial blethers

By blethers

White sail and blue sky

At the latter end of a busy day (washing, shopping for more visiting grandchildren, rehearsing for tomorrow, sermon composition) we escaped for a brief foray to the south of the peninsula and walked along the beach at Ardyne Point. A throng of Canada Geese had occupied a spit of shingle - the tide was very low - and as we approached were deserting it in batches to fly noisily over our heads and into the field with the black cattle in it. 

You can just make out the remaining geese towards the lower left corner of this photo - they had all flown by the time we left - and a single white sail is moving slowly into the wind through the Kyles. In the distance, beyond Bute, my favourite hills are blue beneath their crown of white clouds. The wind is quite brisk, the sun still warm.

Whew ...

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