Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Eco Gran's Mum

Eco gran was up today, so we updated the family tree. It is amazing how far we have come.

This is why it started, Eco Gran's mum died when she was very young. Her father had to fight to keep the 3 sisters together and to keep them in Scotland. They wanted to send the 3 girls all under 6 to Australia and their father could eventually follow.

They did not go, their father managed to get them into the Barnardos Home in Corstorphine. Eco gran was the oldest. They stayed here until Eco Gran was about 14, and went to live with their dad and his new wife.

Anyway Eco mum knew very little about her mum, so we have found out a little about her life.

This is Eco gran's mum family tree so far, she died of TB when Eco gran was 5.

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