
By LmiriamC

I only went out today to go to the grocery store - Met Market to be precise. They are a fancy grocery with a handful of stores in the Seattle area (and other places, I have no idea). I wanted to get some good fruit and vegetables since I felt like I spent 4 days not eating the healthiest of foods. When I don't eat "cleanly" for more than a few days in a row, I start to feel a bit blah. 

Over 2 years ago, I followed a program called the Abascal Way, which is a diet meant to reduce inflammation in the body. You eliminate wheat, dairy, and sugar (added sugar, not the kind in fruit) for 6-8 weeks and then slowly add back in those things to see how you feel. I was successful at that (very hard to do!) but over the last 12 months, my eating has started to regress and I can feel it in my body. So it's back to low/no wheat, and reducing sugar/milk to my morning coffee for me. I made a huge thing of vegetables to eat at lunch and dinner to make it more likely that I will include those things back in my eating (green beans, cucumber, broccoli, tomatoes, olives, red cabbage, and sunflower seeds). I also made a batch of breakfast muffins that are high in protein. 

The sunset picture was taken out of a window in my home since I am feeling so lazy today.

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