
By LmiriamC

Husband took off in his classic car to go to a car show up near Bellingham this morning. He decided to enter his car when he got there... He said he is the only out-of-towner there - and the people are mostly retirees. He fits in well probably. 

I took Salem to the park for our usual wander-around. I took a picture of the Queen Ann Lace's evolution into a sweet little pod-thing. I think it would make a wonderful hummingbird's nest! 

Saw other signs of autumn - leaves falling, the wild apple trees are bearing some ripening fruit (extra), and the geese are bunching up and squawking overheard.

My sister, our niece, and her boyfriend are heading off to do a section of the PCT today (starting at Stevens Pass and heading up towards Lake Chelan). They will be on the trail for 9 days and cover approx 100 miles. My niece's backpack weighs 50 pounds while Cam's is slightly less at 48lbs. Nine days of food adds up. I do not feel like I am missing out!!  :)

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