Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Sheep Update

For those who saw my Blip last Monday here is an update on what we have now found out about the sheep:

1. They are all male.
2. They are not rare breeds.
3. They are refugees. Their normal field had no grass left after the drought so they have been offered this field as a temporary home until it recovers.
4. Following on from 3, it doesn't appear they are going to be permanent neighbours. Which is a shame, as we have quickly got used to them being there and have realised that sheep actually have individual personalities.
5. Having individual personalities doesn't stop them following each other round like sheep.
6. The two at the front who we initially called the 'Two Fat Ladies' and then renamed 'The Hairy Bikers' have been renamed again. Ronnie and Reggie.

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